Marketing and Public Relations

Office of Marketing and Public Relations

The 十大网赌平台推荐 Office of Marketing and Public Relations performs the following functions for the college:

  • Coordinates Press Releases and marketing materials for the college (Check out our News page for current releases)
  • Media Relations - coordinates media interviews and photography requests with college officials
  • Manages the College's social media sites

Contact Marketing and Public Relations

Phone: 770-228-7373
Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m, Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00pm

Annual Report FY24

Click image to view the FY24 Annual Report

FY23 Annual Report Image

Past Annual Reports

Student Photo and Video Policy

By signing and submitting an application and upon your admission to Southern Crescent Technical College, you understand that your name, quotations, and photographic likeness - including video footage - may be used in all forms of media for advertising, trade, and any other lawful purposes on behalf of Southern Crescent Technical College or the Technical College System of Georgia and that you will not receive now or in the future any compensation for this usage. You also understand that your name, quotations, and photographic likeness may be gathered from and posted to 十大网赌平台推荐's social media sites and web site and can be downloaded by any computer user on or off campus. You also understand that, as a student age 18 or older, it is your responsibility to notify the Southern Crescent Office of Student Affairs if you refuse to have your name, quotations, or photographic likeness used for the College's unlimited lawful purposes. In addition, all students under the age of 18 must have parental or guardian permission for his/her name, quotations, or photographic likeness to be used by the College. In this instance, this form may be obtained in the Office of Marketing and Public Relations.

Press Room

Southern Crescent Technical College’s Office of Marketing and Public Relations is your source for all accurate information regarding the college. Marketing and Public Relations will also coordinate media interviews with individual programs and administrators as well as any photography requests.

Tech Trends Newsletters