Drugs and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Plan

Notice of Disclosures

The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), includes many disclosures and reporting requirements that a postsecondary education college is required to distribute or make available to prospective and current students, and other consumers. These “Acts” will only apply to institutions who participate in federally funded financial aid programs.

Southern Crescent Technical College (十大网赌平台推荐) is a participant in the following federal student aid programs: Direct Federal Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized), Federal Pell Grant Program, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Federal Work-Study Program.

Students, parents and other consumers may visit Southern Crescent’s website for additional information about the college.

General Institutional Information

Confidentiality of Student Records

With regard to privacy, personally identifiable information may not be disclosed to others without the prior written consent of the student, except for specific cases defined by the U.S. Department of Education. The college must annually distribute to all enrolled students a notice of the availability of the information that is required to be made available to students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This act is also known as the Buckley Amendments which was passed by Congress in 1974.

FERPA will provide guidance with regard to privacy about a student records and personally identifiable information. A notice must list and briefly describe the information and include a statement of the procedures required to obtain the information. Information will need to include the following: the right of the student to inspect and review their education records; requests for amendments of their education records; guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data; and procedures to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the college.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA information is published in the Southern Crescent Technical College Catalog and Student Handbook. This publication is located online or in print at any Southern Crescent campus or center.

The Registrar’s Office (770) 228-7362) will be the contact for questions or comments.

Facilities and Services

The college is required to provide consumer information available to prospective and enrolled students about the college and its operations; such as the mission statement, accreditations and licensures; faculty and other instructional staff; degree and certificate programs; any plans the college has for improving the academic programs; instructional and laboratory facilities, special facilities for disabled students and student body diversity in the categories of gender and ethnicity of enrolled; and full-time students who receive Federal Pell Grants. The above information can be located on the financial aid webpage under consumer information .

Also, the college is required to provide information about policies, procedures and other information. This would include information about its cost of attendance, textbook information, net price calculator, satisfactory academic progress policy, procedures to withdraw from the college, procedures to drop a course, refund policy, the college policies on transfer of credit and other policies relating to copy right infringement, safety, vaccination, missing person procedures, emergency and evacuation procedures, etc.

Information is published in the Southern Crescent Technical College Catalog and Student Handbook . This publication is also located online under consumer information .

For additional information, you may visit Admissions (770) 228-7348, Financial Aid (770) 228-7368 and Business Office (770) 228-7275.

Services for Students with Disabilities

The college is required to make information available to prospective and enrolled students about facilities and services available to students with disabilities, including students with intellectual disabilities.

The Special Services Office (770) 228-7382 will be the contact for questions or comments.

Student Body Diversity

The college is required to make information available to prospective and enrolled students about student body diversity, including the percentage of enrolled, full-time students in the following categories:

  • male
  • female
  • self-identified members of a major racial or ethnic group
  • Federal Pell Grant recipients

Contact the Institutional Effectiveness Office for questions or comments.

Voter Registration

The college is required to make a good faith effort to distribute a mail voter registration form to each student enrolled in a degree or certificate program and physically in attendance at the institution, and make those forms widely available to students at the institution.

The Student Support Services (770) 229-3409 will be the contact for questions or comments. For additional information, you may visit the State of Georgia Voter Registration page .

Athletic Data

The college will be required to provide students and parents, at the time the institution offers the student athletically-related student aid, information on the athletic program participation rates and financial support data. This disclosure must contain the number and gender of full-time undergraduates participating in intercollegiate athletic competitions and for each term. Additionally, the institution will be required to include information on coaches, coaching salaries, and the revenues and expenses associated with each sport.

The Athletic Office (770) 229-3130 will be the contact for questions or comments.

Student Financial Assistance

Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Financial Aid

The college is required to make information available to prospective and enrolled students regarding how and where to contact individuals designated to assist students in obtaining the institutional or financial aid information.

The Financial Aid Office (770) 228-7368 will be the contact for questions and comments.

Student Financial Aid Information

The college is required to make information available to prospective and enrolled students about the following:

  • all the need-based and non-need based federal, state, local, private, and institutional
  • student financial assistance programs available to students who enroll in the institution
  • terms and conditions of the Federal Student Aid (Title IV)
  • criteria for selecting recipients and for determining award amounts
  • eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid
  • methods and frequency of disbursement of aid
  • rights and responsibilities of students receiving Federal Student Aid (Title IV), including criteria for continued student eligibility and standards for satisfactory academic progress
  • general conditions and terms applicable to employment provided as part of financial aid package

Financial aid information is published in the Southern Crescent Technical College Catalog and Student Handbook . The consumer information publication is located online.

Financial Aid Office (770) 228-7368 will be the contact for questions or comments.

Student Outcomes

Student Completion/Graduation

The college is required to annually make available to prospective and enrolled students the completion or graduation rate of certificate or degree-seeking, first-time, full-time, undergraduate students. If data is requested by a prospective student, it must be made available prior to the students’ enrolling or entering into any financial obligation with the college. Often, students will transfer to other educational facilities. Contact the Institutional Effectiveness Office for questions or comments.

Student Placement in Employment

The college will be required to provide information on the placement of and types of employment obtained by graduates of the college’s degree or certificate programs.

Contact the Career Services (770) 229-3048 for questions or comments.

Student Retention

The college will be required to provide retention rates of certificate or degree-seeking first-time full-time undergraduate students.

Contact the Institutional Effectiveness Office for questions or comments.

Health and Safety for Students and Employees

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

The college is required to provide information about the college’s Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program. As a condition of receiving funds or other forms of financial assistance under any Federal Program, college, state or local education agency must certify that it has adopted and implemented a Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program. Information is disseminated to students, faculty, and employees about the risks, penalties, and treatment options associated with drug and alcohol abuse. This disclosure is in accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 101-690).

The Policy on Drug-Free Campus can also be found in the Southern Crescent Technical College Catalog and Student Handbook , and the consumer information page.

The Special Services Office (770) 229-3370 and Financial Aid Office (770) 228-7368 will be the contacts for questions or comments. For additional information, you may visit Student Service’s Personal Counseling page.

Campus Security and Crime

The college is required to provide students and others with a safe learning environment. There must be a campus security policy to include a statement of the enforcement authority of campus security personnel and their relationship with State and local police and whether or not they have agreements with those police agencies to investigate alleged crimes.

Additionally, the college will be required to distinguish, by means of separate categories, any criminal offense that occurs on campus, in or on a non-campus building, on public property, and in dormitories or other residential facilities for students on campus. The law will require that each institution maintaining a police or security department must make, keep and maintain a daily log.

The Campus Safety and Security Office (770) 229-3370 for questions or comments.

Fire Safety

The college is required to maintain a log that records all fires in on-campus student housing facilities and publish an annual fire safety report with campus fire safety practices and standards of the college. Fire safety policies and practices must be published by the college. Southern Crescent Technical College does not provide on-campus housing to students.

The Campus Safety and Security Office (770) 229-3370 for questions or comments.

Emergency Response and Evacuation

The college will be required to provide prospective and enrolled students with policies about the college’s emergency response and evacuation procedures.

The Campus Safety and Security Office for questions or comments.

Equal Opportunity Statement

The Technical College System of Georgia and its constituent Technical Colleges do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era, spouse of military member or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). This nondiscrimination policy encompasses the operation of all technical college-administered programs, programs financed by the federal government including any Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I financed programs, educational programs and activities, including admissions, scholarships and loans, student life, and athletics. It also encompasses the recruitment and employment of personnel and contracting for goods and services. The Technical College System of Georgia and Technical Colleges shall promote the realization of equal opportunity through a positive continuing program of specific practices designed to ensure the full realization of equal opportunity.

The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:

Eben Risper, eben.ripser@soadonefnet.com

Assistant Director of Student Support Services Special Populations
Title IX/Equity Coordinator
Serving Students on the Griffin Campus,Henry County Center, and Fayette County Center.
Telephone number: 770-228-7382

Teresa Brooks, teresa.brooks@soadonefnet.com

Special Services Coordinator/Sign Language Interpreter Disabilities
ADA/504 Coordinator
Serving Students on the Griffin Campus, Henry County Center, and Fayette County Center.
Telephone number: 770-228-7258

Mary Jackson, mary.jackson@soadonefnet.com

Special Services Coordinator
Special Populations and Disabilities
Title IX/Equity and ADA/504 Coordinator
Serving Students on the Flint River Campus, Butts County, and the Jasper County Center.
Telephone number: 706-646-6224

Beth Burns, beth.burns@soadonefnet.com
Director of Human Resources
Building 100 – Human Resources,
501 Varsity Road
Griffin, GA 30223
(770) 229-3454 (Employee Complaints)

Any complaints filed against the Title IX/Equity Coordinator or ADA/Section 504 Coordinator on any campus/center shall be handled by Dr. Xenia Johns, Vice President for Student Affairs, xenia.johns@soadonefnet.com, 501 Varsity Road, Building 200, Room 100, Griffin, GA 30223, (770) 228-7348.