BUSN 1440 Typing Test

Instructions to take the FREE online BUSN 1440 Document Production typing test:

To be eligible to enroll in BUSN 1440 Document Production, you must type at least 25 words per minute with 3 or less errors on a 3-minute timed writing. You have two opportunities to take the online typing test.

To take the online typing test:
  1. Click this link:  http://www.typingtestpro.com/
  2. Access Code: 十大网赌平台推荐student
  3. TestID: ndbntk6z
  4. After passing the online typing test, contact the CAP Center or Academic Affairs (770) 228-7348 or (877) 897-0006 to register for the course.
  5. Please provide your name, Student ID, the semester you want to enroll in BUSN 1440, and the CRN of the course.

After The Test

  • If you did not pass: If you do not pass the online typing test, you will need to register for BUSN 1100 Introduction to Keyboarding

Academic Affairs Office Phone Numbers: